To Write or Not to Write an Essay on Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was an American literary critic, writer and editor who has won worldwide recognition for his short stories and poetry. Of course, it is one of the most discussed authors in American schools. This is precisely why you, a high school or college student, must write an essay on Edgar Allan Poe. Yes, you may not like poetry; you may also not be a good academic writer. But truth be told, you have no other options. If your teacher assigns an Edgar Alan Poe essay to you, you are obliged to write it. And make sure you write it well, because you will surely get a low grade otherwise. Now that we have established that you have no option than to write the essay about Edgar Allan Poe, it’s time to take a look at how you can make it easier on yourself. You have two choices: you either write about one of the works of the author, or about the author itself. Let’s see which is better.
Should You Write an Essay on Edgar Allan Poe?
If you are tasked with writing an Edgar Allan Poe essay, but no poem or short story is specifically addressed, it means that you can write about the author as a person. You can simply avoid writing about things you hate (if you hate poetry) and focus on writing an essay on something very interesting in the life of Poe. And you have the advantage here. While most of your peers will assume that they need to write an academic paper on one of the works of Allan Poe, you will write something very different. This means your Edgar Allan Poe essay will stand out from the rest. And in most cases, a properly written essay that stands out from the crown has a great chance of getting a top grade. But to answer the question in the heading, you absolutely need to write something. There is simply, unfortunately no workaround!
What to Write About in an Essay About Edgar Allan Poe?
As we mentioned above, you have the choice between writing about one of the masterpieces of the author and writing about the author himself. Choose whichever option seems better for you. If you love poetry and you have extensive knowledge about Poe’s works, by all means go ahead and write an essay on The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. It is one of his most revered masterpieces. However, be aware that other classmates will try to write about this topic as well. If you choose something like this, make sure you do the research and write an excellent piece. If you fail at doing this, your essay will not receive a top grade. High school students and college students who are not poetry lovers or who don’t master the art of academic writing are encouraged to write about the author. Search online for the most interesting information about Edgar Poe and then write an essay about an intriguing aspect of his life. How did he write one of his masterpieces? What was his life like? Could you find some connections between his poetry and short stories and real events in the author’s life? What do these connections mean? These are just some of the questions that will help you find an excellent topic to write about.
The Essay Structure And Edgar Allan Poe Essay Examples
Now that you know your options, it’s time to talk a bit about how you can write the essay on Edgar Allan Poe. To help you out, we offer you an excellent tip: use the five paragraph essay structure. This essay structure is very versatile and can be used to write almost any kind of paper (excluding theses and dissertations, of course). What you need to do is find at least 3 important ideas or talking points and write three separate paragraphs – one covering and supporting each main idea. Of course, you can have more than three body paragraphs in your Edgar Allan Poe essay. But what about the other two paragraphs? As you’ve probably guessed it, these two remaining paragraphs are the introduction and the conclusion. Make sure you write the intro and the conclusion as best you can, because these two paragraphs are very important. The former introduces the topic and prepares your audience for what is to come, and the latter summarizes everything and states your call to action.
To help yourself with your writing assignments, start reading Edgar Allan Poe essay examples. What better way to learn how to write academic papers than to look at examples written by seasoned writers? You can find many examples of papers online, but you can also get some assignment help from an essay writing service. These companies employ professional academic writers, so you will be able to get the best original example possible in just a day or two.
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