Exemplification Essay Topics Explained

Exemplification essays are some of the most common papers that college students tackle. These essays require the student to give vivid examples of what they are working on for them to prove a point. The exemplification essay topics should provide room for answering the questions why, when, who, what, where, which, and how. These essays fall in the category of argumentative essays considering that you have to use facts to prove your point.
Choosing an Exemplification Essay Topic
Finding the perfect exemplification essay topics for college students is not tough now that several vices need people to shed light on them. Regardless of whether you come up with the question on your own or your professor provides you with a topic, you can come up with good exemplification essay topics that will address some issues that need solutions. Here are a few ideas that you can take into consideration while coming up with an area of discussion for your next research paper.
Select a Subject That is In Line With Your Thesis
Your thesis statement is like a skeleton that outlines the entire paper in a few words. It is advisable to start writing a thesis statement first before coming up with an exemplification essay topic list since you will narrow down on the areas you intend to discuss first. As such, it becomes easy to come up with a suitable heading. Picking a topic that is not in line with your thesis statement will bring about confusion now that the paper contents and the headling will differ significantly.
Pick a Topic that Has Been well Reseacged on
Even though you are enthusiastic about curving a new niche in the research realm, it is better to take an exemplification essay topic that has been researched on by several scholars. The reason for this is to avoid looking clueless when you find no material to use for backing up your stand. Since an exemplification essay aims to prove a point, you have to use credible sources to support your position. Choosing a topic that has been widely researched gives you this advantage. In case you opt to pick an area of study that is still virgin, be prepared to spend lots of cash for the research if you are to get results that are worth sharing.
Find a Topic That You are Comfortable With
Unless the lecturer provides you with a specific exemplification essay topics to tackle, it is always preferable to choose a theme of your liking. This gives you the leverage to play around with ideas that interest you. As such, you will not find it difficult to work on the paper. Picking a suitable topic that interests should not be difficult considering that you can look at your interests or other things within the society, which you feel need attention, for inspiration.
Ensure That the Topic Has a Question Element In It
Now that you are dealing with an exemplification essay, you have to ensure that even if the topic does not have the words why, when, who, where, what, which, and how, it has a questioning element or an angle that allows you to address a specific problem in the society and give examples that support the stand you take.
Sample Exemplification Topics
Even with so many tips at hand, you still require an exemplification essay topic list that will guide your choice of topic, especially if you are new to this kind of writing. Some of the exemplification essay topics that you can use include:
Environmental Topics
- How the depleting ozone layer affects the ecological changes on planet earth
- The pandora’s box revolving around greenhouses and their adverse effects on the environment
- How the earth’s decreased forest cover will impact water supply globally
- Who is to blame for the current unstable climatic changes?
- Why is it essential to have balanced climatic changes all year round?
Health Topics
- Is GMO fit for human consumption?
- Why is it important for parents to advocate for healthier meals in schools for their children?
- Are unhealthy eating habits rendering the middle-aged useless in the work environment?
- Is exercising and eating healthy worth it in light of genetically modified foods?
- Why should people find alternative protein sources to substitute meat?
- Are contraceptives aimed at causing cancer in women?
- Are vaccinations another way of extracting cash from unsuspecting people?
- The worldwide economic recession of 2009 was a planned event
- Are small businesses the answered prayers to unemployment?
- Why are new entrepreneurs finding it challenging to thrive in the online business realm?
- Who were the masterminds behind the world’s most fatal and longest lasting global recession?
- Is the education system preparing students adequately for the workforce?
- Who is the most significant figure in America’s fight for independence?
- What were the initial steps taken by Martin Luther King Jr. in the fight against racism?
- Has the fight for civil rights contributed to the moral decay in the USA?
- What were the most exceptional contributions made to the fight for civil rights in America?
- Could the Vietnam war have been avoided?
- Is the fight against drugs progressing well, or is the government fighting a losing battle?
- Should drug lords be given a life sentence when found guilty?
- Does marijuana have diverse effects on the human brain?
- Was it necessary to produce crystal meth during the significant world wars?
- Can drug addiction be cured completely in rehabilitation centers?
- Should the government change the education system to train individuals careerwise from as early as kindergarten?
- Who is responsible for the decreased interest in education among the millennials?
- Is homeschooling the best option for young kids?
- How has the education system taken Americans for a ride in the past century?
- Can you attain complete success without education?
- Why should all parents monitor what their kids watch on TV and online?
- How much of a reality TV show is not stage-managed?
- Should the government control the number of shows released yearly in the USA?
- Why is it proper to force unemployed people to stop binge-watching reality TV shows?
- Are cartoons causing children to become depressed?
- Is gambling as colorful as it looks?
- Who is to blame for the global gambling craze?
- Should gambling laws be adjusted to accommodate younger citizens globally?
While it may be easy for some to come up with exemplification essay topics, others struggle with the same. Anyone falling in the latter category should not shy off from finding assistance from qualified personnel who are well-versed in the area. These professionals will provide topics for exemplification essays then work on the paper for you.
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