Everything About the Informative Speech (+100 Informative Speech Topics)

The informative speech is a pretty common assignment in both high school and college. As such, chances are you have encountered this type of essay before. And if this is the first time you hear about it, don’t worry; we are here to give you all the information you would ever need about the informative speech paper. But even the best students won’t be able to do a great job on this kind of assignment without a key element: the topic. The reality is that the informative speech topics you choose for your papers are very important. How important? Let’s just say that they can make the difference between an A grade and a B grade…
Quick Word on Informative Speech Topics
As you can probably imagine, good informative speech topics are not easy to find. Why? Because thousands of students just like you are scouring the Internet trying to find new and exciting topics. Many students know that choosing the right informative speech topics can get them some bonus points. And now you know too! Your professor will most likely be pleasantly surprised to see that you have actually dedicated some time and effort to finding an original topic. Your paper will be unique and will instantly become a lot more appealing. As long as you can captivate the attention of your teacher, you can get a top grade on your informative speech.
But What Is an Informative Speech?
Now that you know why informative speech topics are important, it’s time to discuss the speech essay itself. What is it? Basically, this speech is a paper where you convey your knowledge about the subject to your audience. In other words, you will provide all the relevant information about your chosen topic to your readers. Of course, you need to keep in mind that you have to do this while following all applicable academic writing standards. You can’t just enumerate the key properties of the subject of your paper and hope to get a top grade on it. It won’t happen! You must explain everything about the subject and help your audience understand every aspect of your subject. The complexity of the paper depends largely on the complexity of the topic. If you are talking about a lunar landing module, you can expect your paper to get quite technical. While there are some golden informative speech ideas online, you can write about anything you want. However, always make sure your audience has the technical knowledge to understand most – if not everything – of what you are describing.
Informative Speech: The 4 Types
You now know what an informative speech is and why the informative speech topics are important. It’s time to talk about the different types of informative speeches. In all, there are 4 major types of informative speeches (each with thousands of topics for informative speech):
- Speeches about events – an event is simply an occurrence that happens. You need to provide all the details about when the event takes place, the date, the location, and all the relevant circumstances of the event.
- Speeches about processes – you can discuss how something is made, how something works, even how money moves in a bank (yes, it’s a process). Your paper will provide all the relevant information about the process so that your audience understands how things work (they should be able to replicate the process, if possible, after reading your paper).
- Speeches about concepts – this is the difficult type of informative speech, as you need to write about concepts (theories, beliefs, feelings, ideas, principles, etc.). Yes, you can talk about love and explain what it is (with hard evidence in the form of references, of course).
- Speeches about objects – this is a relatively simple task because an object is anything you can see and touch. You will have to describe everything about the object you choose, but keep in mind that your writing should not become boring. Try to find interesting things to say about the chosen object.
100 Good Informative Speech Topics for 2019
Animals (these fall in the speeches about objects or processes categories)
- Cats and their place in our modern society.
- Describing the Savannah breed of cats.
- The 5 most expensive pets in the world at the time of writing.
- The crocodile – can you keep one as a pet?
- The golden retriever is your child’s best friend.
- Here is the lengthy process to train a dog.
- Animal cruelty in circuses around the world.
- Here is why I love my pet hamster.
Vehicles (cars, trucks, vans, etc. – the objects and the processes categories)
- Analyzing vehicle leasing: the pros and the cons.
- How to stay safe when driving an ATV on rough terrain.
- What is the most expensive car in the world and why?
- Flat tire? Here is how you replace a flat tire in 15 minutes.
- The dangers of autonomous driving vehicles.
- How Uber saves you money and improves your transportation.
- The importance of trucks to the US economy.
Business (these fall in the processes and concepts categories)
- What is business asset organization?
- Is individual authority important for a management position?
- The 3 major psychological strategies used in marketing.
- Here is how Apple became the first billion dollar company in the world.
- How does accounting work really?
- What is advertising and how it differs from marketing.
- The 10 steps needed to grow any business.
Science (processes category mostly, but can also be events or objects)
- How much of the brain do human beings use?
- How is bottled water purified in huge quantities at a time?
- The most recent breakthrough in astronomy and why it matters.
- The steps we need to take to colonize Mars.
- The difficulties of light speed travel.
- Why do bats sleep upside down?
- Can we predict major earthquakes?
- Here is why objects of different weights fall to the ground with the exact same speed.
Technology (objects, processes, and even events categories)
- What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
- Here is how a central processing unit (CPU) works.
- Do you know what is in your smartphone?
- How does an atomic watch work?
- Can a computer mimic our brain?
- The process of searching on the Internet (Google).
- The electric vehicle: how does it work?
Environment (events, objects, and processes categories)
- Why fossil fuels must be abandoned in the near future.
- The cause of greenhouse gases problems.
- Are we facing a shortage of drinking water?
- 5 steps we need to take to stop deforestation.
- Is solar energy as “green” as they say?
- The consequences of disposing of waste illegally.
- How much time does it take for a tree to grow to maturity?
- The melting of the Polar ice cap is increasingly dangerous.
Fitness and health (objects, processes and concepts categories)
- Here is why you want to quit smoking right now.
- Can we preserve the tonus of our skin using 100% natural products?
- The benefits of minerals and vitamins for the human body.
- The low-carb diet that really works.
- Why the Dukan diet is dangerous for the human body.
- The 7 steps one can take to lose weight fast.
- How a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your body.
Controversial topics (be careful here as to not offend some of your audience)
- Same-sex marriages: should they be legal?
- Gender equality has a long way to go before it becomes reality.
- Abortion should be illegal in all US states.
- War is not the answer to international problems.
- Grades should be completely eliminated from the education system
- Capital punishment should be enforced in all United States states.
- Religion has been the main cause for endless conflicts throughout history.
Economy and finance (processes and concepts categories)
- Here is how can save money in college.
- How does China manage to support this level of economic growth?
- Buying a new house versus leasing an apartment.
- The effect of globalization on the baking system of the United States.
- War (processes, objects and events categories)
- Mobile banking: an impressive breakthrough.
- How does a contactless card work?
- How is a bank created in the United States? (describe the complete process)
Education (processes category)
- The use of the Internet in the classroom (benefits and cons)
- Students should be allowed to eat during class.
- The school day should start at 10 AM instead of 8 AM.
- How teachers stay up to date with the latest academic breakthroughs.
- Here is how human resources works in our university.
- What is an individual growth camp and how does it help a student?
- The 5 steps you need to take to transfer yourself to another college.
- Home schooling has these 5 major benefits.
History (events and concepts categories)
- How beauty products evolved in the 1900s.
- Why dinosaurs became extinct.
- Everything you need to know about the California gold rush.
- The process through which America came to be.
- Strange funeral customs in Indonesia.
- The story of a successful Alcatraz prison break.
- How were witches hunted down in the 14th century?
The Internet (objects, events, and concepts categories)
- What is the Internet (talk about the physical structure).
- Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things.
- Here is how Google uses Big Data to return search results faster.
- Steps you need to take to stay safe online and to protect your privacy.
- Do social media websites use our personal data without us knowing?
- How targeted advertising works on the Internet today.
- The concept of data security on the Internet.
- Should online content piracy be banned from the Internet?
Religion (concepts and events categories – be careful to not insult people of other religions than yours)
- Analyzing Revelation and comparing it to Genesis.
- How was the Bible written and how long did it take?
- The similarities between the Muslim and the Christian religions.
- Did Noah’s ark really exist? How large would it have been?
- How many people belong to the Muslim religion?
- Religious principles and concepts that are prohibiting technological advances.
- Why is the rabbit the symbol of Easter?
- An in-depth look at religious extremism and religious fanaticism.
Sports (events, objects and processes categories)
- What it takes to become a successful athlete.
- Are genes really that important or can you be an athlete solely through hard work and dedication?
- Do people involved in sports earn too much?
- The most interesting match in the NFL Play Offs of this season.
- This is the most terrible sports team in the United States today.
- How do clubs buy and sell players legally?
- The must-have items for a gold tournament.
- How sports help students become team players.
Informative Speech Ideas From Professional Writers
You are free to use any of the above 100+ informative speech topics for college students as you see fit. This means you can change the topic, change the wording, and even use the topic exactly as is. In addition to these topics, we have compiled a list of ideas and tips from our professional writers. These tips should help you even further:
- When searching for topics for an informative speech, always try to find something that is original. You don’t want any of your classmates to submit a paper on the exact same topic.
- Before starting to write the paper, read the requirements carefully and then take a look at the academic writing standards. One can find stylebooks for any style online, usually 100% free.
- You are most probably not considered an authority in your field – at least not yet. This means that you should not quote yourself or base your writing upon your own ideas and findings. Use data from reputable, authoritative sources (and don’t forget to include them in the References section).
- You can get assistance online if you run into problems. An academic writer can help you with a list of unique topics, with some proofreading and editing services, and even with an outline and a first draft.
- Don’t avoid the negative aspects of the object, concept, event, or process. Don’t be biased because your audience – and your professor – will notice. This approach will turn against you in most cases.
- Don’t insult some of your readers or some of your audience. Keep in mind that some of your readers may be using the object you are describing, for example.
One last tip: know when to get help! Even the best of students require assistance from time to time, so it’s no shame to it. Nowadays, it is quite simple to go online, to find a reputable writing service, and to get the help that you need. What you must never do is postpone getting assistance until it is too late. If the deadline for submission is just around the corner, get help ASAP!
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